Having been an artist for so long, I’ve heard some rather ridiculous sayings over the years, from “real artists don’t use erasers” (or references), to the “starving artist” trope, and the idea that people have to suffer in order to create good art. My personal experience has taught me that it takes stability to have the time or energy to create art. 2023 was a…difficult year to say the least. I spent the first half of it recovering from a rather scary week and a half in the hospital (I suppose it was impressive I created anything at all).

As much as I love art, and the act of creation, the things that motivated me to keep going were so much simpler: I wanted to sleep in bed snuggling with my husband again, I wanted to be strong enough to hold my baby, and I wanted to be able to go to yoga (to move my body like my mind told it again).